Given the fact that Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric
Bradshaw is set to launch a $1 million dollar program which will
encourage Floridians to report on people who “hate government,” how long
before Palm Beach resident Rush Limbaugh is sent to a Soviet-style
mental hospital?
Image: YouTube
The example seems like a stretch but it’s not a far cry
from what actually could happen if Bradshaw is able to implement what
numerous outraged civil libertarians are labeling a modern incarnation
of the East German Stasi informant system.
As we reported yesterday,
Bradshaw is advocating a program that would see authorities harass
individuals who make anti-government statements. The campaign would also
include “public service announcements to encourage local citizens to
report their neighbors.”
“We want people to call us if the guy down the street
says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,”
Bradshaw said. “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and
ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’”
The Washington Times editorial board didn’t
mince their words when they labeled this monstrosity, “A Stasi for Palm
Beach,” calling on Florida Governor Rick Scott to veto the plan.
“Which brings us to Rush Limbaugh, a Palm Beach, Florida
resident who rants and raves against the government five days a week
from his downtown Palm Beach studio, and who genuinely hates the Obama
regime, writes Thomas DiLorenzo.
“Rush is literally the “guy down the street” (from the West Palm Beach
sheriff’s office) who hates the government (well, whenever a Democrat
holds the White House, anyway). One has to wonder how long it will take
before a Palm Beach liberal will report Limbaugh to the town’s Soviet
Union-inspired sheriff who may love to send Rush to a mental hospital to
“send a message” to all the other critics of government out there.”
Since people who post vehement political opinions on Facebook are already being kidnapped and taken to psychiatric wards across the country, how long before criticism of the state is officially recognized as a mental disorder?
Those considered hostile to authority have already been tagged as sufferers of “oppositional defiant disorder” under the the DSM-IV-TR Manual.
The definition of this mental illness is, “a recurrent
pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient. and hostile behavior
toward authority figures that persists for at least 6 months.”
That could apply to Rush Limbaugh or anyone else who
routinely exercises freedom of speech to lambaste authority figures, or
dares to question official narratives behind contemporary events.
While the mass media is currently in a blind panic over
anyone who still has the cerebral wherewithal not to blithely accept
what they are told by the powers that be, labeling them crazy conspiracy
theorists, the next step could actually see those individuals abducted
and forcibly interned in psychiatric gulags if the likes of Ric Bradshaw
get their way.
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