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Thursday, August 20, 2015

TEXAS Residents Report Forced Micro Chipping By Jade Helm Operatives

People in the town of Clint, Texas are reporting that American soldiers have rounded up hundreds of civilians and forced them to submit to RFID implantation.
Currently Jade Helm 15 is operating just miles outside of Clint, Texas, leaving many to wonder if the two are related.

Jade Helm has been steeped in controversy since it was first announced by the military on March 23 2015, and concerned Texans have been on high alert for a potential gun-grab, or martial law scenario ever since. The governor of Texas has even deployed the National Guard to defend against any potential hostile takeover attempts. The US government has described Jade Helm as a military training exercise which focuses on specific terrains, but folks remain skeptical, and with good reason.
Several eye witness reports state that residents in the small town were rounded up and brought to an abandoned shopping mall in the area. There they were given the choice between RFID implantation, or imprisonment in the makeshift military base.
Tweets from witnesses have surfaced on the net.
United Media Publishing contacted one witness who had been microchipped and released. They told us the following.
“Military personnel rounded up everyone on our street. They forced their way into the homes of people who wouldn’t open their doors. We were put on military trucks and drove to the old Hartwell Mall about ten miles from here. We were separated and put in holding cells based on our age and gender. We were then called 3 at a time to another room and given the option to have an RFID implant, or be imprisoned in the base for an unspecified amount of time. Some of the soldiers were arguing amongst themselves.. I could hear one of them saying, “this isn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to protect Americans, not imprison them…”, but the officer in charge reminded them that they have their orders, and if they’re not carried out then they would be thrown into prison themselves.”
As of yet no major news outlets have covered the unfolding events in Clint, Texas, leaving residents to wonder who will speak up about the human rights violations that they have suffered.
The mayor of Clint, Texas declined to comment as did military officials. United Media Publishing will be bringing the public up to date information on this event as it unfolds.

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