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Monday, October 5, 2015

Oregon Shooting: 13 Signs Of Yet Another False Flag

1 – Grandiose mainstream media headline demanding your attention to this story.
Without the same grandiose mainstream media headline, many would not have noticed this story online. Here we go again? This is now the latest 24/7 story that the mainstream media seems to want and need you to be fascinated by. This alone is a huge tell-tale sign no one should overlook.

2 – Immediate call for gun control in the story sub-headlines.
This latest Oregon school shooting comes with no holds barred. Even in the very headline there was a quick post announcing the need for gun control. Whenever you have gun control pushed on you before you can understand what just happened, that should be a red flag.

3 – Obama himself immediately calls for gun control seizing the moment Sandy Hook style.
Obama even admits his desperate gun control agenda is political
“This is something we should politicize,” he said, calling on Americans of all political stripes to hold their elected leaders accountable for acting on the issue.

4 – Shooter is dead as usual.
 Once again and as usual the shooter does not live to tell the tale or defend his intent. Is that because dead men tell no tales? Consequently, the story as usual is left to the story tellers. And with the usual dead shooter there is much less need to worry about any account conflicts or future revelations of government involvement. Some things for everyone to consider are the following – Did the shooter try to lower his gun? What circumstances led to police actually killing the shooter? Are police reports available for us to see? Don’t police disable people any more?? Isn’t there policy for this? Did police follow correct procedure?

5 – Shooter identity completely unknown but repeated mention of “4 guns” very known.
How often does a shooting take place and no one knows who the shooter is (as of the time of this article)? Students didn’t recognize their own classmate? Or did the shooter decide to shoot a bunch of strangers in a school that he’s never attended? How is it that no one knows the shooter? This certainly was not the case in the Virginia Tech shooting of 2007 or Columbine shooting where everyone seem to know or recognize the shooter. Consider this carefully.

6 – “Conflicting reports” in the number of dead people. Identity entirely unknown as well.
Who are these dead people? What are their names? And why is there confusion as to how many people are dead at a small school.

7 – Oregon is recent state of political interest to Neocon former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Is it a coincidence that former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been dumping a lot of money into pushing gun legislation in Oregon? In the past, others within alternative media have called for watchful eyes in Oregon given this connection. No big deal? You decide.

8 – Social media controversy already brewing.
Hillary Clinton to Propose Tighter Gun Regulations on Monday

9 – Initial images and videos show no ambulances, no blood or dead bodies.
Almost every shooting false flag where the mainstream media hides the images of the crime scene. Where are the images of the police yellow tape? The blood on the floor? The bodies? The ambulances and emergency vehicles?? By hiding all of these images all of the story and images is left to your imagination and this allows for maximum control of the information.

10 – Shooting has a divisive religious twist to it – opens door for blaming Islam, others later on.
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

11 – No clear cut witnesses actually saw the shooting.
Yes, believe it or not, it appears there are only 3 witnesses accounted for. The closest thing to an eyewitness is Kortney Moore:
 Kortney Moore, 18, told the local News Review newspaper that she was in her writing class in Snyder Hall when a gunshot came through the window and struck her teacher in the head.
The remaining 2 supposed witnesses only HEARD the gunfire according to reports.
Student Cassandra Welding told CNN that she heard 35 to 40 shots.
 Student Brandy Winter, in a posting on Facebook, said she was in a classroom in Snyder Hall, next door to the room where the shooting began and ran, along with her classmates, when they heard the gunfire.
Winter also says that “from talking with a student in the classroom where it happen, almost every person in the room was shot by a man with four guns,” admitting she herself did not witness the shooting.
Anyone who knows about guns might find this statement a bit peculiar since you can only shoot someone with a gun one bullet at a time. You cannot fire 4 guns at once. Also, studies show that when someone is shot with a gun most of the time they will actually survive the shooting since the bullet must penetrate vital organs. Also people who are severely shot won’t die right away giving them time to potentially tackle the shooter. So it’s not easy to actually shoot and kill a room full of people with 4 guns. Also surely after the first few rounds everyone afraid for their lives would have run full speed out of the room.
So where are the people who actually saw the shooting with their own eyes? And, again, why did no one tackle the shooter as he switched guns given that most likely he could get off no more than 10 rounds at a time? I’m sure we’ll hear from the wounded victims much later on like the interview we saw with Greta Van Susteren and the Virginia Shooting survivor crisis actor.

12 – All students quickly treated as strip-searched suspects instead of victims.
Did the police not want the students to get a good view of the evidence and scene as they passed by? Was this part of the drill to condition students to give up their 4th amendment rights Boston bombing style under shooting conditions? And why were students joking?? Were these students not just exposed to a shocking bloody gruesome scene? I find this a little odd.
 “They walked us straight through the crime scene with our hands up,” 18-year-old freshman Andi Dinnetz said. “It was more tense outside. In the classroom, everyone was trying to make jokes and keep it from being as serious as it was.”

13 – Social media manifesto-like messages once again posted to further substantiate shooter intent.
Mainstream media is posting a chain of messages posted by an anonymous character on 4chan.org the night before:
"Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest."
Once again, a would-be shooter in America whose shooting would quickly serve the gun control agenda just so happens to pre-post threats announcing or hinting at what he is going to do. This is another trademark of false flag shootings.

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