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Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Response to An Email I Sent A Professor

My Question: Does CO2 cause global warming?

His Reply:

"Scientifically thinking", you have it ass-backwards.

The more heat you have in our atmosphere, the more CO2 and CH4 you have in your atmosphere. This is because CO2 and CH4 are the result of organic processes, which increase with temperature (we are far from the maximum temperature to support the maximum biomass; IOW the world could be much warmer and would support much more life as a result).

FYI, CO2 is 0.039% of the atmosphere. Of that 0.039%, humans have contributed 0.03%, which is by any rational basis an obviously a completely statistically insignificant portion.

FYI, for some reason the most powerful "greenhouse gas" (water vapor) is not typically included as an atmospheric constituent.

FYI water vapor concentrations are directly related to solar activity.

FYI back in the 1970's, 'global cooling' or a 'new ice age' was the alarmist's call.

FYI the biggest proponents of carbon credit trading to save us from AGW is Goldman Sachs and JPM.

Wake up please.

Dr. Stephen Schneider
Stanford University

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