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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Here is the latest wisdom flowing from the lying mouthpieces of the ruling oligarchy (Wall Street, Washington DC, Mega-corporations):

The economy is recovering and employment is growing.

Consumers are deleveraging, saving and using cash for purchases.

Retailers are doing fantastic as consumers increase spending.

How can consumers be deleveraging, saving and increasing spending at the same time? Let’s examine the facts to see who is lying.

The fallacy that the economy is recovering and employment is growing can be put to rest by an examination of the BLS data accessed here: Data Here

The number of Americans employed over the last few years is as follows:
2007 – 146.0 million
2008 – 145.5 million
2009 – 139.9 million
2010 – 138.9 million

It seems there are 7.1 million less employed people than there were three years ago. Contrary to the spin from the White House, there are 1 million less people employed today than during the horrific 2009 year. Luckily, another 6 million people left the work force, or we’d really have a problem. The truth is that if the government actually counted everyone in the country who wants a job, the unemployment rate is not 9.8%, but 23% and it continues to rise.......


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