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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Promise of Total Integration

The Sheepole are in the pasture...Quietly.... very quietly drawing the fence around them while they slumber away without care. Then when its done-they'll be one rude awakening for everyone but a few... but then it'll be too late.

February 4, 2011 brought the release of the National Nanotechnology Initiative 2011 Strategic Plan. This 60-page must-read document lays out a projected future "to understand and control matter" for the management of every facet of human life within the surveillance matrix of environment, health and safety. Here is the short-list of the 25 participating Federal agencies and samples of their stated applications:
Department of Defense (persistent surveillance)
Intelligence Community (unmanned aircraft)
Department of Energy (solving energy and climate change challenges)
Department of Homeland Security (low-cost sensor platforms)
Department of Justice (applicable to criminal justice needs)
Department of Transportation (modifying or coordinating travel behavior)
Environmental Protection Agency (environmental sensing, transformational capabilities)
Food and Drug Administration (biological systems and effects on human health)
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (global food security)
National Institutes of Health (precise control to achieve predictable outcomes)
Department of the Treasury (improved governance, implementing economic sanctions)
National Science Foundation (education and societal dimensions)
The promise of integrating nanotechnology in a way that will benefit human knowledge and society already has been re-directed toward military applications for decades. It has manifested in the out-of-control military-industrial complex that has engaged America abroad in costly wars and destabilization campaigns. However, the fallout from this misappropriation of technology is beginning to take its toll on America in the form of militarized police and the monitoring of everyday Americans.

How much longer before the full spectrum of military sci-tech, including what we cannot even see, is unleashed upon an American people willing to accept total control to be safe? Has it happened already? Or, more importantly, how long before Americans come to the realization that when the construction of this surveillance prison is completed -- when the door is locked, and the key is thrown away -- it ultimately will have been our own money that was used to build it.

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