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Monday, February 20, 2012

Over 1,000 Votes Still Missing In Maine!!!

This is no longer a question of whether Ron Paul beat Romney or not. The sheer scale of the miscounts delegitimizes the entire voting system and the Federal Government that claims authority over us based on that discredited voting system. While vote fraud has been epidemic in this country for decades, most Americans became aware that the elections could not be trusted in 2000 and this year's stunts by the GOP have only eroded public trust further! People rightly ask that if the government that aided Wall Street in creating $100 trillion in debt cannot prove they were lawfully elected, then why should we pay even one penny towards those debts not of our making, by and to a government not of our own choosing? If a government cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the elections by which they claim authority over the people, then the people are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's dictates nor to pay its bills nor to send their children to die in that government's wars, and may with full moral justification resist with lethal force efforts to coerce said obedience, looting, and conscription.
While Maine has still been lying about the votes, and more and more votes are seen to lost; the question still is, Did Ron Paul win Maine? Google shows 1,075(-)(+) votes are lost. That is right, with over 1,000 votes missing and Google also showing 194 votes between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney; can we really believe the Maine Caucus?

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