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Friday, February 21, 2014

Can You Pass This Quiz?

The Preparedness Pop Quiz

1.  In the event of a sudden evacuation, do you have up-to-date maps of your local area and of a primary and secondary evacuation route?
2.  Have you considered what you would do if bridges were impassible or there were mudslides or other road blocks preventing your getaway?
3.  Is your vehicle reliable and in sufficient mechanical condition to get you out dodge and out of danger?
4.  Can you manually open the garage door if there is no power?
5.  Have you identified an alternative location that you can reasonably reach in the event your own home is uninhabitable or inaccessible?
6.  Do you have sufficient fuel in your vehicle to make it to your primary or secondary destination?
7.  Are the heavy objects in your home (such as book cases and the hot water heater) secured in such a way that they will not topple over in an earthquake?
8.  Do all members of your family have GRMS or FRS radios for short distance communications if cell towers are overloaded or phone service is completely gone?  Do they know how to use them?
9.  Do you have a small solar battery charger to re-charge your cell phones, reading device, tablet or laptop?
10.  Have you stored copies of important documents on a flash drive?  Examples include driver’s license, social security card, Medicare or health insurance card, passport, mortgage-note/deed to property, car title and registration, bank investment account numbers, insurance policy numbers, and family photos.
11.  Does each family member have a pack or case that they can handle on their own during an evacuation?  Do those packs include provisions for children, pets, the elderly and those with mobility or other challenges?
12.  Do you have emergency food, water, first aid, cash, and other items stored in multiple locations just in case your primary location is looted or destroyed?
13.  Can you carry your primary survival pack on your back for two to four hours without  strain?  When is the last time you tried?
14.  What steps have you taken to mentally prepared for a disaster or collapse?

The Final Word

These are just a sampling of the questions you should be asking yourself in an effort to round out and broaden your preparedness efforts.  Some of them are easier than others and most assuredly, the answers will set the foundation for further assessment of your state of preparedness.
The good news is that family preparedness can be embraced as a lifestyle and can meld into the mesh of daily life as a matter of course.
If you have not done so already, please take the Annual Preparedness Test.  Or, if you prefer, print out a copy so that you can make notes then pass the test along to someone who perhaps is interested in preparedness but does not know where to start.

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