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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The five most insanely stupid lies about health still being pushed by the mainstream media

Insanely stupid health lie #1: Mercury in lobster is bad for you, but mercury in flu shots is good for young children!

When small amounts of mercury were recently found in Maine lobster, health authorities shut down the harvesting and the media reports on the "Mercury contamination from decades-old industrial pollution." (SOURCE)

Mercury is toxic, after all, and you shouldn't be eating it. Nearly everyone agrees on that point.

Yet, magically, when far higher concentrations of mercury are injected into children in the form of flu shots, suddenly all that mercury is completely safe and harmless, according to the mainstream media. Heck, the mercury even enhances the health of children, the media claims! Just watch this media clip which claims that mercury causes "improved behavior and mental performance" in children.

Yeah, seriously. I wasn't joking when I used the phrase "insanely stupid" in the title of this article.

How, exactly, is mercury harmful when eaten in lobster but completely safe when injected into the body's muscle tissue at far higher concentrations? To arrive at that conclusion, you have to be insanely stupid, of course. Or brain damaged by mercury in vaccines...

Yet this is the story you will continue to hear across the mainstream media: Mercury in vaccines is harmless, they say. Or better yet, some media outlets claim there is no mercury in vaccines at all, essentially claiming that mercury is a "conspiracy theory."

The most astonishing thing in all this is the surprising fact that brain damage can be so selective. Apparently, mercury in vaccines can destroy all rational thinking centers in the brain of a mainstream journalist, yet keep alive just enough circuitry to allow them to copy and paste corporate press releases distributed by vaccine manufacturers. Fascinating how that "selective lobotomy" operates, isn't it?

Insanely stupid health lie #2: There's no such thing as a food that helps prevent cancer

Here's another insanely stupid lie pushed by the media, and this one gets people killed. The lie is that "there is no such thing as any food which can prevent cancer."

This lie is engineered and circulated for the most insidious of motivations: to keep cancer rates high and enrich the cancer industry by attacking the very sources of information the American people desperately need to prevent cancer, reduce health care costs, reduce suffering and increase longevity.

The fact that a multitude of foods have anti-cancer properties is simply not debatable by any rational person who is sufficiently educated on the subject. Blueberries, red grapes, broccoli, onions, garlic, pumpkin seeds, almonds and all sorts of foods have well-documented, scientifically-validated anti-cancer properties. Any journalist who publicly denies this in an article only admits their own complete ignorance on the subject of anti-cancer foods and nutrition. This is what I mean when I describe mainstream media journalists as "nutritionally illiterate." They truly are!

Anyone interested in actually finding science that talks about anti-cancer foods only need visit Science.NaturalNews.com where over 11 million scientific studies are organized, keyword-linked and republished from the National Library of Medicine. A person intent on learning something can spend days on the site learning about anti-cancer foods and dietary supplements.

There are also, of course, extremely helpful books written by doctors and PhDs who are experts on the subject of anti-cancer foods. One of my favorites is called Foods to Fight Cancer: Essential foods to help prevent cancer. It describes all the scientifically-validated anti-cancer benefits of certain food groups such as citrus fruits (the white layer inside the peeling is anti-cancer) and cruciferous vegetables.

People who still think there's no such thing as anti-cancer foods must be living in the Stone Age, or are willfully ignorant.

Insanely stupid health lie #3: Fluoride improves public health

It's interesting that now even a notable professor at the Harvard School of Public Health agrees that fluoride consumption lowers IQs in children.

According to the published study, researchers "found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride's impact on the developing brain is warranted."

But hold on: the mainstream media says that anyone who asks intelligent scientific questions on fluoride toxicity is a nut case. Fluoride is ASSUMED to magically be safe, regardless of the evidence, and this myth is obediently repeated by nearly every mainstream media outlet as if it were established fact. When "fluoride" is ever mentioned, media journalists like up like toy soldiers and salute to the chemical industry's desire to eliminate toxic chemical waste by labeling it "fluoride" and dumping it into the public water supply.

The reality is far different from what we are told: Fluoride makes the population stupid. It lowers IQ points in children. It dumbs down the adult population, too, and keeps people cognitively suppressed. "Fluoride" isn't just fluoride, either: it's loaded with toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

But that's the whole point. Fluoride is a huge success at its intended mission: to keep people so incredibly stupid that they will actually believe the mainstream media, or the White House, or even -- gasp! -- CNN. To watch Piers Morgan and believe anything he says, you almost have to deliberately drink gallons of fluoride to eliminate all higher reasoning function in your brain.

Insanely stupid health lie #4: Nutrition is a waste of money

Don't waste your money on vitamin pills! Didn't you hear? Nutrition will only give you "expensive urine!"

It is with this particularly insidious lie that the American public is encouraged to stop buying vitamins and instead buy prescription drugs which are 10,000% more expensive and thereby create the world's most expensive urine of all. In fact, the average American's urine contains more dollars worth of prescription drugs than the entire day's salary of a factory worker in China.

According to the mainstream media -- which is largely supported by junk foods, fast food and prescription drugs advertising -- all you need to be truly healthy is junk foods, fast food and prescription drugs. All those silly "organics" and "dietary supplements" and "superfoods" are just a waste of time and money, didn't ya know? Only crazy people buy healthy food. Real Americans go to the pharmacy!

Oh, and don't worry about the fact that everybody around you who actually pursues a lifestyle of junk food, fast food and prescription drugs is dying from cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's. That's just bad luck, we're told. It has nothing to do with their diets, because if you believe the mainstream media's health hacks, diet has nothing to do with health outcomes!

Astonishingly, many journalists actually believe in such lunacy.

Insanely stupid health lie #5: Disease outbreaks are caused by a lack of vaccinations

Every time you hear about an outbreak of whooping cough, or measles, or the flu, the entire national media lines up to declare, in obedient unison, "It's all due to a lack of vaccines!"

It's almost magical -- or possibly tragic -- to see the knee-jerk reaction play out across the bought-and-paid-for media. Didn't you know? Disease is actually CAUSED by a lack of vaccines?

When vaccines are not injected into children in high enough numbers, diseases spontaneously erupt from nothing!

This was, of course, the very theory of disease before the Germ Theory. Diseases were thought to spontaneously appear without cause, and mercury was one of the "treatments" given to patients by doctors of the day to make diseases go away.

Not much has changed in 250 years, it turns out. Today, the mysticism of vaccinations remains just as irrational and faith-based as the medical voodoo of the 1700's, and the lack of reasoning among those who write the news for the masses is just as pathetic today as it was back then. The technology may have changed in a couple of centuries, but human brains haven't changed at all, and they've always been easy for the establishment to manipulate.

Nowhere along the line has anyone bothered to look at the importance of nutritionally supporting the immune system so that it can fight off infectious disease without breaking down into symptomatic sickness. If you believe the mainstream media, your immune function has no purpose whatsoever and it was a mistake that you were ever born with one. Instead, you should let interventionist medicine run your immune system through the injection of viral strains, aluminum, mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and other deadly chemicals routinely used in vaccines.

You were, in other words, born an "incomplete" human who can only achieve completeness through multiple vaccine injections which then somehow make your failed immune system suddenly whole.

Except that in nearly every breakout of measles, mumps and flu, it's the vaccinated kids who get sick the most! Don't expect the mainstream media to ever report this fact. They don't even ask the question! (Why bother asking if you don't want to know the answer, right?)

If vaccines actually worked, then logically all the sick kids would be those who were never vaccinated. But that's almost never the case, it turns out. In most cases, vaccines increase susceptibility to infectious disease rather than decreasing it.

Yet more media lies...

Just to wrap up this collection of eye-opening observations, don't forget all the following lies which were also endlessly repeated by the media (and then proven to be outrageous lies):

• Obamacare would LOWER your health insurance costs and be readily available to everyone! And you could keep your job, too!

• GMOs are perfectly safe to eat in unlimited quantities, and without GMOs, half the world might starve to death.

• Drug companies need to charge monopoly prices only so they can raise enough money to develop cures for humanity. Because they care! And the only reason the FDA enforces a U.S. monopoly on drug prices while seizing importations of prescription drugs from Canadian pharmacies is because the FDA cares, too!

• All the money donated to pink ribbon cancer fundraisers goes to help find cures for cancer. (Total lie. Most of the money goes to fund mobile mammogram trucks that go into low-income neighborhoods to falsely diagnose poor women with cancer so the cancer centers can rack up huge Medicare billings. Ka-ching!)

• The government isn't listening to your phone calls, no way! That's just a crazy "conspiracy theory." And no, your credit card records and bank records aren't being tracked, either... stop being so paranoid!

Want to stop being lied to? Want to know the truth about food, health, nutrition, cancer prevention and vaccines? Read Natural News like over six million other people do each month. And find out why people who stop watching CNN never go back.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Secret Court Making Secret Laws? That's No Democracy

Last December, well before the Ed Snowden leaks revealed some information about the FISA court (FISC) and its rulings, we had already noted that the court itself was almost certainly unconstitutional. More recently, we talked about how the fact that all the court's judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court means that the court has turned into a rubber stamp made in the image of some of the most "law and order"-minded Chief Justices from the past few decades. Ezra Klein has since expanded on that to discuss the oddity of how current Chief Justice John Roberts is basically the Chief Justice of the Surveillance State, answerable to absolutely no one: "You have exclusive, unaccountable, lifetime power to shape the surveillance state."

Over the weekend, the NY Times put out a powerful piece discussing how FISC has basically become a shadow Supreme Court, doling out all sorts of important rulings in total secrecy. It rules on cases where it only hears one side, and where there are no appeals, no guarantee that the full story is presented, and involves a bunch of judges who tend to have law enforcement backgrounds before being appointed to the court. In the end, you have a secret court issuing secret rulings by ex-law enforcement officials, allowing their former colleagues ever greater power to spy on everyone.
The 11-member Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as the FISA court, was once mostly focused on approving case-by-case wiretapping orders. But since major changes in legislation and greater judicial oversight of intelligence operations were instituted six years ago, it has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court, serving as the ultimate arbiter on surveillance issues and delivering opinions that will most likely shape intelligence practices for years to come, the officials said.

[....] Unlike the Supreme Court, the FISA court hears from only one side in the case — the government — and its findings are almost never made public. A Court of Review is empaneled to hear appeals, but that is known to have happened only a handful of times in the court’s history, and no case has ever been taken to the Supreme Court. In fact, it is not clear in all circumstances whether Internet and phone companies that are turning over the reams of data even have the right to appear before the FISA court.
As an example of how FISC has basically completely overturned the rules of surveillance in secret, the NY Times reveals the details of some of its thinking, taking a extremely narrow ruling meant to apply in special cases, and turning it into a general rule that has allowed the vast capture of information:
In one of the court’s most important decisions, the judges have expanded the use in terrorism cases of a legal principle known as the “special needs” doctrine and carved out an exception to the Fourth Amendment’s requirement of a warrant for searches and seizures, the officials said.

The special needs doctrine was originally established in 1989 by the Supreme Court in a ruling allowing the drug testing of railway workers, finding that a minimal intrusion on privacy was justified by the government’s need to combat an overriding public danger. Applying that concept more broadly, the FISA judges have ruled that the N.S.A.’s collection and examination of Americans’ communications data to track possible terrorists does not run afoul of the Fourth Amendment, the officials said.

That legal interpretation is significant, several outside legal experts said, because it uses a relatively narrow area of the law — used to justify airport screenings, for instance, or drunken-driving checkpoints — and applies it much more broadly, in secret, to the wholesale collection of communications in pursuit of terrorism suspects. “It seems like a legal stretch,” William C. Banks, a national security law expert at Syracuse University, said in response to a description of the decision. “It’s another way of tilting the scales toward the government in its access to all this data.”
I don't care where you come down on the importance of widespread surveillance -- I just don't see how you can possibly square the above interpretation of the law with the 4th Amendment. If "special needs" can be used to justify mass collection of data on just about everyone "just in case" it might stop some sort of terrorist attack, then you no longer have a 4th Amendment. At all.

But, the bigger issue here is just the fact that we have a secret court issuing secret interpretations of the law that have a massive impact on our privacy. This is supposed to be an open democracy. An open democracy doesn't involve secret courts and secret laws. We have laws that everyone knows, and which the public can discuss and weigh in on through their elected officials. When you set up a secret court, making secret rules with no oversight, and with all of the judges appointed by a single Supreme Court Justice with a particular bias, you no longer have a functioning democracy at all. And that's downright scary.

This is a point that some Senators have been making for years now, but the leaks from Ed Snowden have really made it that much clearer just how insane the situation is. Earlier, it had seemed like perhaps there was one or two rulings from FISC that had some oddities in the interpretation, and which should probably be revealed to the public. However, the various revelations so far suggest that the issue is much, much bigger, and we have a secret "shadow court" system that is systematically obliterating the 4th Amendment and helping to create and then "legitimize" the vast surveillance state.

The Snowden leaks have shone a number of lights on various bad things within our government, but one thing that they have made abundantly clear is that the FISC needs to go. Whether that means it needs to be opened up, or to have greater oversight, or just be done away with completely, could be up for discussion. But if it remains the way it is, it's clear that we've thrown away our basic democratic principles, and moved towards the same sorts of autocratic regimes with secret courts that the US has always presented itself as being against.

Feds Withhold Water To California Farmers For First Time In 54 Years

The US Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year and finds insufficient stock is available in California to release irrigation water for farmers. This is the first time in the 54 year history of the State Water Project. "If it's not there, it's just not there," notes a Water Authority director adding that it's going to be tough to find enough water, but farmers are hit hardest as "they're all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they're going to get through this." Fields will go unplanted (supply lower mean food prices higher), or farmers will pay top dollar for water that's on the market (and those costs can only be passed on via higher food prices).

Via AP,
Federal officials announced Friday that many California farmers caught in the state's drought can expect to receive no irrigation water this year from a vast system of rivers, canals and reservoirs interlacing the state.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year, saying that the agency will continue to monitor rain and snow fall, but the grim levels so far prove that the state is in the throes of one of its driest periods in recorded history.
Unless the year turns wet, many farmers can expect to receive no water from the federally run Central Valley Project.
... the state's snowpack is at 29 percent of average for this time of year.
California officials who manage the State Water Project, the state's other major water system, have already said they won't be releasing any water for farmers, marking a first in its 54-year history.
"They're all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they're going to get through this," Holman said, adding that Westland's 700 farmers will choose to leave fields unplanted, draw water from wells or pay top dollar for water that's on the market.
Farmers are hit hardest, but they're not alone. Contractors that provide cities with water can expect to receive half of their usual amount, the Bureau said, and wildlife refuges that need water flows in rivers to protect endangered fish will receive 40 percent of their contracted supply.
Contractors that provide farmers with water and hold historic agreements giving them senior rights will receive 40 percent of their normal supplies. Some contracts date back over a century and guarantee that farmers will receive at least 75 percent of their water.
One of those is the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority in Los Banos that provides irrigation for 240,000 acres of farmland.
The Water Authority's executive director Steve Chedester said farmers he serves understand that the reality of California's drought means it's going to be tough to find enough water for them. "They're taking a very practical approach," he said. "If it's not there, it's just not there."

Friday, February 21, 2014

Can You Pass This Quiz?

The Preparedness Pop Quiz

1.  In the event of a sudden evacuation, do you have up-to-date maps of your local area and of a primary and secondary evacuation route?
2.  Have you considered what you would do if bridges were impassible or there were mudslides or other road blocks preventing your getaway?
3.  Is your vehicle reliable and in sufficient mechanical condition to get you out dodge and out of danger?
4.  Can you manually open the garage door if there is no power?
5.  Have you identified an alternative location that you can reasonably reach in the event your own home is uninhabitable or inaccessible?
6.  Do you have sufficient fuel in your vehicle to make it to your primary or secondary destination?
7.  Are the heavy objects in your home (such as book cases and the hot water heater) secured in such a way that they will not topple over in an earthquake?
8.  Do all members of your family have GRMS or FRS radios for short distance communications if cell towers are overloaded or phone service is completely gone?  Do they know how to use them?
9.  Do you have a small solar battery charger to re-charge your cell phones, reading device, tablet or laptop?
10.  Have you stored copies of important documents on a flash drive?  Examples include driver’s license, social security card, Medicare or health insurance card, passport, mortgage-note/deed to property, car title and registration, bank investment account numbers, insurance policy numbers, and family photos.
11.  Does each family member have a pack or case that they can handle on their own during an evacuation?  Do those packs include provisions for children, pets, the elderly and those with mobility or other challenges?
12.  Do you have emergency food, water, first aid, cash, and other items stored in multiple locations just in case your primary location is looted or destroyed?
13.  Can you carry your primary survival pack on your back for two to four hours without  strain?  When is the last time you tried?
14.  What steps have you taken to mentally prepared for a disaster or collapse?

The Final Word

These are just a sampling of the questions you should be asking yourself in an effort to round out and broaden your preparedness efforts.  Some of them are easier than others and most assuredly, the answers will set the foundation for further assessment of your state of preparedness.
The good news is that family preparedness can be embraced as a lifestyle and can meld into the mesh of daily life as a matter of course.
If you have not done so already, please take the Annual Preparedness Test.  Or, if you prefer, print out a copy so that you can make notes then pass the test along to someone who perhaps is interested in preparedness but does not know where to start.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


NEW YORK — Civil rights violations by police have become a daily occurrence in America as we move toward a fascist dictatorship. To top it off surveillance of the American public is at an all time high as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies ramp up the threat of terror to further usher in the police state.

Police departments are now federally funded and are breeding grounds for corruption. Large cities often act as a hub for such activities. In fact, police in New York have stuped to a whole new level.

In a shocking new report that details how the NYPD pepper sprayed a 5 month old toddler, details arrise on how an entire family was brutally treated by police officers.

An excerpt from an article by Sarah Rae Fruchtnicht reads, “Marilyn Taylor said officers stopped her and her husband in the subway on Aug. 9, accusing them of not paying the fare. According to the lawsuit obtained by Courthouse News Service, Taylor claims NYPD Officers Maripily Clase, Suranjit Dey and Jermaine Hodge then overreacted to her pushing her 2-year-old through a service door, rather than using the turnstile, on her way to a Manhattan-bound L train.

At the time, Taylor was pushing her 2-year-old in a stroller and holding her 4-year-old’s hand. Her husband carried their 5-month-old close to his chest. When questioned by police, the suit claims, “the aggressiveness of the officers’ demeanors had upset the four-year-old daughter, and her mother bent down to console her and tell her, ‘everything will be OK.’”

That’s when Officer Dey allegedly pepper-sprayed Taylor, who nearly fell from the platform. The spray affected the entire family.

“The pepper-spray caused the children to scream out and choked the two-year old, who went into fits of vomiting,” reads the lawsuit. “Ms. Taylor was then placed in handcuffs as the minor children cried in fear and pain.”

Why is the Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors in Newsrooms?

The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.
Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner.
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai reveals a brand new Obama Administration program that he fears could be used in “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.”
As Commissioner Pai explains in the Wall Street Journal:
Last May the FCC proposed an initiative to thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country. With its "Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs," or CIN, the agency plans to send researchers to grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run. A field test in Columbia, S.C., is scheduled to begin this spring.
The purpose of the CIN, according to the FCC, is to ferret out information from television and radio broadcasters about "the process by which stories are selected" and how often stations cover "critical information needs," along with "perceived station bias" and "perceived responsiveness to underserved populations."
In fact, the FCC is now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program.
The FCC has apparently already selected eight categories of “critical information” “that it believes local newscasters should cover.”
That’s right, the Obama Administration has developed a formula of what it believes the free press should cover, and it is going to send government monitors into newsrooms across America to stand over the shoulders of the press as they make editorial decisions.
This poses a monumental danger to constitutionally protected free speech and freedom of the press.
Every major repressive regime of the modern era has begun with an attempt to control and intimidate the press.
As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently said, "our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
The federal government has absolutely no business determining what stories should and should not be run, what is critical for the American public and what is not, whether it perceives a bias, and whose interests are and are not being served by the free press.
It’s an unconscionable assault on our free society.
Imagine a government monitor telling Fox News it needed to cover stories in the same way as MSNBC or Al Jazeera.  Imagine an Obama Administration official walking in to the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal and telling it that the American public would be better served if it is stopped reporting on the IRS scandal or maybe that reporting on ObamaCare “glitches” is driving down enrollment.
It’s hard to imagine anything more brazenly Orwellian than government monitors in newsrooms.
Is it any wonder that the U.S. now ranks 46th in the world for freedom of the press?  Reporters Without Boarders called America’s precipitous drop of 13 places in its recent global rankings “one of the most significant declines” in freedom of the press in the world.
Freedom of the press is proudly extolled in the First Amendment, yet our nation now barely makes the top fifty for media freedom.
We cannot allow the unfathomable encroachment on our free speech and freedom of the press to continue.
We’ve seen, and defeated, this kind of attempt to squelch free speech before in the likes of the Fairness Doctrine and the Grassroots Lobbying Bill (incidentally one of my first projects at the ACLJ).  Each one of these euphemistically named government programs is nothing more than an underhanded attempt to circumvent the Constitution and limit free speech – speech that the government finds inconvenient.  They’re equally unconstitutional, and they each must be defeated.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Pic De Jour

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

By Michael Snyder
#1 An astounding 70 million Americans are taking legal mind-altering drugs right now.
#2 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors wrote more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants during 2010.
#3 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, nearly 70 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug.  An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least fiveprescription drugs.
#4 Americans spent more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs during 2013.
#5 According to the CDC, approximately 9 out of every 10 Americans that are at least 60 years old say that they have taken at least one prescription drug within the last month.
#6 There are 60 million Americans that “abuse alcohol”.
#7 According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 22 million Americans use illegal drugs.
#8 Incredibly, more than 11 percent of all Americans that are 12 years of age or older admit that they have driven home under the influence of alcohol at least once during the past year.
#9 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is an unintentional drug overdose death in the United States every 19 minutes.
#10 In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.
#11 According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.
#12 According to Alternet, “11 of the 12 new-to-market drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration were priced above $100,000 per-patient per-year” in 2012.
#13 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than in any other country in the world.
#14 Many of these antidepressants contain warnings that “suicidal thoughts” are one of the side effects that should be expected.  The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 rose by close to 30 percent between 1999 and 2010.  The number of Americans that are killed by suicide now exceeds the number of Americans that die as a result of car accidents every year.
#15 In 2010, the average teen in the United States was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs.  Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression.
#16 Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are.
#17 A shocking Government Accountability Office report discovered that approximately one-third of all foster children in the United States are on at least one psychiatric drug.
#18 A survey conducted for the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that more than 15 percent of all U.S. high school seniors abuse prescription drugs.
#19 It turns out that dealing drugs is extremely profitable.  The 11 largest pharmaceutical companies combined to rake in approximately $85,000,000,000 in profits in 2012.
In America today, doctors are trained that there are just two potential solutions to any problem.  Either you prescribe a pill or you cut someone open.  Surgery and drugs are pretty much the only alternatives they offer us.
And an endless barrage of television commercials have trained all of us to think that there is a “pill for every problem”.
Are you in pain?
Just take a pill.
Are you feeling blue?
Just take a pill.
Do you need a spark in your marriage?
Just take a pill.
And most Americans assume that all of these pills are perfectly safe.
After all, the government would never approve something that wasn’t safe, right?
Sadly, what most Americans don’t realize is that there is a revolving door between big pharmaceutical corporations and the government agencies that supposedly “regulate” them.  Many of those that are now in charge of our “safety” have spent their entire careers peddling legal drugs to all of us.
We have become a nation of drugged out zombies, and it is all perfectly legal.  The funny thing is that many of these “legal drugs” have just slightly different formulations from their “illegal” counterparts.
If more Americans understood what they were actually taking, would that cause them to stop?
Perhaps some would, but for the most part Americans are totally in love with their drugs and giving them up would not be easy.
Just ask anyone that has tried.

Dead Banker Count Now 20 and Climbing-Here is Why!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The Emergency Broadcast logo flashes up on your TV screen. You try to click off but it’s on every channel...
You start to realize... this is not a test!

A news anchor comes on screen and in a shaky voice says...
"At 9:15 this morning, the U.S. Dollar Collapsed... I repeat the Dollar has Collapsed."
The entire infrastructure of America is now a prime target of opportunity for ANY terrorist attack.
The T.V. suddenly shuts off; moments later, your entire neighborhood goes dark.
You're going to be OK though. This is the moment you've prepared for... Right? Right?
Oh shit you didn't prepare!

JP Morgan Executive Becomes 5th Banker to Die in Last 2 Weeks

By Paul Joseph Watson
Two weeks after the suicide of a JP Morgan banker who jumped to his death from the top of a building, another of the firm’s employees has died, with 37-year-old Ryan Henry Crane becoming the 5th banker fatality in just the last few weeks alone.
Crane was an Executive Director in JPM’s Global Program Trading desk based in New York and had been with the firm for 14 years.
Few details have been released concerning the nature of his death, with reports merely stating that Crane is survived by his wife and son.
“We can only hope this disturbing chain of deaths within the financial industry – one of which involved a nail-gun induced suicide – is purely accidental,” writes Zero Hedge.
Some have speculated that the deaths could be a precursor to a major financial collapse, although no hard evidence of a connection has been forthcoming.
Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old senior manager at JP Morgan’s European headquarters, jumped 500ft from the top of the bank’s headquarters in central London on January 27, landing on an adjacent 9 story roof.
A few days later, Mike Dueker, the chief economist at Russell Investments, fell down a 50 foot embankment in what police described as a suicide. Dueker was reported missing on January 29 by friends, who said he had been “having problems at work.”
On January 26, former Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house. According to reports, Broeksmit had “close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain.”
Richard Talley, 57, founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was also found dead last week after apparently shooting himself with a nail gun.
Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, although the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.

U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase

The Post Office published the notice just two days after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his proposal to remove a federal gun ban that prevents lawful concealed carry holders from carrying handguns inside post offices across the country.
Ironically the Postal Service isn’t the first non-law enforcement agency seeking firearms and ammunition.
Since 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
The Education Dept. has spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns.
Back in July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson, following a 2012 purchase for 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point by the National Weather Service.
NOAA spokesperson Scott Smullen responded to concerns over the weather service purchase by stating that it was meant for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement for its bi-annual “target qualifications and training.”
That seems excessive considering that JHP ammunition is typically several times more expensive than practice rounds, which can usually be found in equivalent power loadings and thus offer similar recoil characteristics as duty rounds.
Including mass purchases by the Dept. of Homeland Security, non-military federal agencies combined have purchased an estimated amount of over two billion rounds of ammunition in the past two years.
Additionally, the U.S. Army bought almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines last fall, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or even NATO.
It would take a Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, one of the largest cargo aircraft in the world, two trips to haul that many magazines.
A month prior, the army purchased nearly 3,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo, a huge amount but still only 1/6th of what the magazines purchased can hold in total.
The Feds have also spent millions on riot control measures in addition to the ammo acquisitions.
Earlier this month, Homeland Security spent over $58 million on hiring security details for just two Social Security offices in Maryland.
DHS also spent $80 million on armed guards to protect government buildings in New York and sought even more guards for federal facilities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
While the government gears up for civil unrest and stockpiles ammo without limit, private gun owners on the other hand are finding ammunition shelves empty at gun stores across America,including shortages of once-common cartridges such as .22 Long Rifle. source – InfoWars

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


This Is a Monster: Sunspot Now Larger Than Jupiter… Continues to Unleash Solar Flares

As most Americans go about their daily lives without care or concern for what’s happening around them, 92 million miles away a catastrophic threat may well be in the making.
In January, the NOAA identified a sizable sun spot dubbed AR 1944. Within hours of warnings being issued about the potential for this particular region of the sun to cause earth-directed coronal mass ejections it sent an X-class solar flare our way. While powerful, that particular flare and the subsequent M-class flares were not strong enough to cause any significant disruptions on earth.
But as the spot rotated to the other side of the sun things got interesting… and ever more dangerous for the people of earth.
AR1944 has since been renamed to AR1967, and the region is now more active than it was in January. According to sky photographer John Chumack, AR1967 has grown considerably. It is now wider than Jupiter. That’s big. So big, in fact, that you can fit over 100 earth-sized planets into it.
(Credit: John Chumack – Sunspot AR 1967 - Galactic Images)
Space.com calls it a monster:
“The massive sunspot AR 1967 is now wider than the planet Jupiter and is very active,” Chumack told Space.com in an email on Feb. 4. “Yesterday no less than seven M-class solar flares have erupted from this region.”
The sunspot group AR 1967 has continued to unleash several solar flares as it makes its two-week trek across the face of the sun, as seen from Earth.
And while AR1967 is not earth-facing as of right now, it will be in a couple weeks. Last week the sunspot unleashed seven M-class flares in a single day. And though earth was spared from getting hit by a higher-level X-class flare, the potential for such an event certainly exists and is estimated to be around 50% because of the region’s high level of activity.
It doesn’t happen often that the sun unleashes a solar flare powerful enough to cause serious damage, yet in the last decade we narrowly escaped the worst-case scenario twice.
The first instance occurred in 2003, when researchers spotted the most powerful solar flare ever recorded. That one came in at a whopping X-45 class. We got lucky that time, as the flare was not earth directed. But had it been, it could have led to widespread grid-down scenarios all over the planet as power grid infrastructures would have seen surges strong enough to destroy electrical transformers and substations.
The second incident occurred in 2012 and most people didn’t event hear about it. It wasn’t disseminated by the mainstream press until a full year later. That flare was so intense that it prompted one expert to claim the world escaped an EMP catastrophe:
‘There had been a near miss about two weeks ago, a Carrington-class coronal mass ejection crossed the orbit of the Earth and basically just missed us,’ added Peter Vincent Pry, who served on the Congressional EMP Threat Commission.
‘Basically this is a Russian roulette thing,’ he said. ‘We narrowly escape from a Carrington-class disaster.’
A Carrington-class catastrophe refers to an 1859 solar event that lead to surges across the world, which resulted in a (literal) meltdown of telegraph communications equipment.
CU-Boulder professor Daniel Baker noted that the 2012 flare was unprecedented:
The speed of this event was as fast or faster than anything that has been seen in the modern space age”
And to put into perspective what would have resulted had this flare not bounced off our atmosphere, Baker followed up with an ominous assessment:
Had it hit Earth, the July 2012 event likely would have created a technological disaster by short-circuiting satellites, power grids, ground communication equipment and even threatening the health of astronauts and aircraft crews.

We have proposed that the 2012 event be adopted as the best estimate of the worst case space weather scenario…
We came close.
So close that Congressional members are coming around to the idea that we could well experience the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it should a high level X-class flare be directed at earth.
It’s no longer just an outlier, according to Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY) who is a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
It’s a certainty:
The Likelihood of a severe geo-magnetic event capable of crippling our electric grid is 100%.
The reality is that one of these days, perhaps even the next time AR 1967 swings around, earth could get hit by a flare similar to what missed us in 2003 and 2012.
The fall out from such an event would be nothing short of a worldwide catastrophe, as electrical power lines, utility plants, GPS systems, telecommunications equipment (including your cell phone), cars, and anything else not hardened against an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) is rendered instantly inoperable.
What would follow is complete pandemonium as the entire global infrastructure, especially in developed nations, completely collapses.
A security report presented to Congress predicts that such a scenario would be long-term, widespread, and result in the deaths of 90% of the population of the United States.
As retired Congressman Roscoe Bartlett has warned, our ailing grid is simply not ready for it. And no one is willing to pony up the tens of billions of dollars necessary to upgrade our domestic infrastructure.
In the grand scheme of things, the sun unleashes these powerful flares on a regular basis. It will do so again. And chances are that our planet will not be ready for it.
But this time it won’t just be telegraphs or a hydro power station in Ontario that goes down. It’s going to be a massive hit and it’s going to affect anyone on this planet who is dependent on the daily functioning of electrically powered systems.
As highlighted by Tess Pennington, a grid-down scenario is no laughing matter and something to be taken very seriously:
Consider, for a moment, how drastically your life would change without the continuous flow of energy the grid delivers. While manageable during a short-term disaster, losing access to the following critical elements of our just-in-time society would wreak havoc on the system.
  • Challenges or shut downs of business commerce
  • Breakdown of our basic infrastructure: communications, mass transportation, supply chains
  • Inability to access money via atm machines
  • Payroll service interruptions
  • Interruptions in public facilities – schools, workplaces may close, and public gatherings.
  • Inability to have access to clean drinking water
How prepared are you for a scenario in which the grid is non-functioning for an extended period of time?
It wouldn’t take long for society to fall apart if it were to happen. Recent evidence suggests that within three days we’d be in a world of trouble.
With all of the variables at play we can probably all agree that the possibility on any given day is extremely low. But over a timeline of fifty or a hundred years, it becomes a lot more likely.
The last time a major solar event struck earth was 1859.
Are we due for another one?
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Quote De Jour

"We despise all reverences and all objects of reverence which are outside the pale of our list of sacred things. And yet, with strange inconsistency, we are shocked when other people despise and defile the things which are holy to us."  - Mark Twain, Following The Equator 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Scientists Confirm Fukushima Radiation in California Kelp

By Mikael Thalen

Scientists analyzing kelp off the coast of San Diego confirmed the presence of cesium this week, a radioactive isotope directly linked to the Fukushima Daiichi power plant.
kelpscPart of the ongoing “Kelp Watch 2014″ project, government and academic institutions have begun receiving results from samples of Bull Kelp and Giant Kelp collected along the California coast. Despite attempts by the media to downplay the ongoing disaster, the discovery has only confirmed the continued build up of radiation in West Coast waters.
“We’re trying to figure out how much is there and how much is getting into the ecosystem,” said Dr. Matthew Edwards, a professor from San Diego State University. “Things are linked a little more closely than sometimes we’d like to think. Just because it is on the other side of the world doesn’t mean that it doesn’t effect us.”
The discovery coincides with statements made by researchers at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems in Spain, who predicted the early 2014 arrival of Fukushima radiation along the North American West Coast.
Although scientists claim the levels of cesium are safe, the public’s distrust has only grown given the government’s continued denial of other issues related to radiation.
Currently, more than 70 U.S. sailors involved in the USS Ronald Reagan’s 2011 Fukushima rescue efforts have been stricken with ailments such as brain tumors, thyroid cancer and leukemia. Despite the clear connection to Fukushima, the federal government has continued to deny any link.
Following the recent discovery of radiation levels over 1,400% above normal on a California beach, thought to be from naturally occurring thorium in the sand, government officials rushed to call the levels completely safe. Independent experts quickly refuted the claim, even warning that children playing in the sand were at risk.
Given radiation’s ability to bio-accumulate in sea life, many fear that the massive animal die-off along the west coast is related to the continued consumption of radioactive isotopes. Sea stars and sardines have been especially effected, with other strange anomalies such as the discovery of “never before seen” conjoined gray whale calves off the coast of Northern Mexico, sparking increased worry as well.
While the government attempts to reassure the public that there is absolutely no risk whatsoever, tens of millions of doses of Potassium Iodide have been quietly purchased by the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Pentagon.
With experts predicting a 40 plus year cleanup at Fukushima, the likelihood of increased cesium in the Pacific Ocean seems inevitable.

Kentucky Police Set Up ‘Eating While Driving’ Checkpoints

By Paul Joseph Watson

Instead of searching for actual criminals, Kentucky State Police will be on the lookout for people who eat while they drive as part of Operation RAID, which will include checkpoints targeting “distracted drivers,” despite the fact that eating while driving is not banned in Kentucky.
Operation R.A.I.D. (Remove Aggressive, Impaired and Distracted drivers from Kentucky Roadways), which starts this month, will remain active for one year.
“Law enforcement will be more visible and the number of check points will increase,” reports WBKO.
“Not only just texting, but any distracting drivers. This includes eating and drinking. We are going to be out looking for those people. You’re going to see a major force when it comes time for St. Patrick’s Day weekend and holiday weekends,” said Trooper Biven of the Kentucky State Police.
Although Kentucky has banned text messaging while driving, there is no state law that bans eating while driving, according to Distraction.gov. Police will be pulling people over and subjecting them to checkpoints over a supposed violation (eating while driving) that doesn’t exist.
Reports concerning the program also made no mention whatsoever of the fact that such checkpoints are clearly a violation of the 4th Amendment.
“Roving patrols and an increase in safety checkpoints” will characterize a “blanket campaign” that “may not work well in certain areas,” acknowledged Captain Nathan Kent, KSP Post One Commander.
Despite claims to the contrary, this is also another example of how the main duty of an increasing number of police officers in America is not catching criminals or serving communities, but revenue generation.
Back in November we highlighted how police in Knoxville, Tennessee are swapping patrol cars for big rigs in a bid to catch texters.
Police response times are getting slower every year, but instead of concentrating on “protect and serve,” cops are increasingly being deployed by state and local governments simply to shake down the public for money.
The cost of traffic tickets is also soaring as governments vampirically suck off the public in a desperate bid to replenish their bankrupt coffers. Speeding tickets raise some $6 billion dollars in the U.S. every single year.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Supreme Court justice predicts internment camps in America’s future

Americans exit train cars and are
Americans exit train cars and are “evacuated” into the fenced compounds that would be their new homes. (Source: Dorthea Lange, 1944)
A distinguished member of the U.S. Supreme Court gave a sobering reminder of how history can and likely will repeat itself when the conditions are right.  Justice Antonin Scalia said that he would not be surprised if Americans were once again imprisoned in concentration camps by the federal government.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (Source: H. Darr Beiser / USA Today) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
The 77-year-old justice was answering questions after giving a classroom lecture to a group of law students in Honolulu.  One student asked about the deplorable 1944 Korematsu v. United States decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court verified the constitutionality of the president ordering the mass-imprisonment of Americans in the name of national security.
Scalia cited the wartime “panic” as a reason Americans accepted President Franklin Roosevelt’s hostile treatment of citizens of his own country.
As the Associated Press reported:
“Well of course Korematsu was wrong. And I think we have repudiated in a later case. But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” Scalia told students and faculty during a lunchtime Q-and-A session.
Scalia cited a Latin expression meaning, “In times of war, the laws fall silent.”
“That’s what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot. That’s what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It’s no justification, but it is the reality,” he said.
The Korematsu case stemmed from President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which divided the country into “Military Areas” and in a real sense instituted martial law in the United States.  Control of civilian territory was granted to to military commanders and the Secretary of War, who were authorized to take any freedom-restricting actions they deemed necessary to secure the homeland.
A U.S. Soldier stands ready to shoot any who would try to escape FDR's concentration camps.  (Tule Lake, California) A U.S. Soldier stands ready to shoot any who would try to escape FDR’s concentration camps. (Tule Lake, California)
In enactment of the order, several segments of the U.S. population were labeled as “enemies” or “enemy aliens.”  They were:  (1) people suspected of “subversive activities” (which included speaking against the war); (2) Japanese aliens; (3) American-born Japanese; (4) German aliens; and (5) Italian aliens.
These so-called enemy groups were ordered to report to military prison camps for an indefinite sentence — a process that was dubiously referred to as “relocation” or “internment.”  The reality was that the targeted individuals were stripped from their homes, their lives, their jobs, their families, and their freedom and placed into cages surrounded by barbed wire and U.S. soldiers who were prepared to shoot them.
Fred Korematsu was born in the United States, and as such was considered a naturally-born U.S. citizen who had two parents who were from Japan.  Even though his loyalty to the USA was not questioned, the President had labeled him (and 120,000 others) as an enemy.  Korematsu, who resided in Military Area No. 1 (California), was one of the few who did not report to the prison camp to which he was assigned.  The government’s response was to have Korematsu hunted down, arrested and convicted of disobeying military authorities.
“It was wrong… But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.”
- Justice Scalia
The Supreme Court upheld his conviction, ruling that the 5th Amendment guarantee of “due process” did not apply, and that his conviction was allowed to stand.  The needs of homeland security were considered to be preeminent over individual rights.  To date, the decision has never been explicitly overturned.
Scalia’s statements would suggest that its legal precedence matters less than many would think.  The Latin phrase he quoted, Inter arma enim silent leges, dates back over 2,000 years and has been proven true in every culture since.   During times of crisis — especially during great wars — people are naturally prone to embrace government efforts to empower itself in the name of security and order.  Americans have proven this maxim to be true many times over, notably with the mass roundup of political prisoners during the American Civil War, World War 1, and World War 2.
“The reality,” as Scalia pointed out, is that the next time Americans feel great fear of a foreign threat or a terrorist, they will not only accept the destruction of civil rights — they will demand it.
A crowd sings praises to the government after locking down Watertown, MA, during a 2013 manhunt. (Source: Julio Cortez, AP) A crowd sings praises to the government after locking down Watertown, MA, during a 2013 manhunt. (Source: Julio Cortez, AP)

Thug Cop Handcuffs Firefighter For Trying to Protect Crash Victims

“To detain one of our firefighters in the middle of an incident is ridiculous”
By Paul Joseph Watson

Stunning video shows a California Highway Patrol officer handcuffing a firefighter who was trying to help victims of a serious car crash in Chula Vista.
The incident occurred on Tuesday night after a car overturned and another fell down an embankment on the 805 Freeway.
Chula Vista Firefighter Jacob Gregoire responded to the accident by following standard protocol of parking his fire truck in front of the crash scene to protect the victims as they were being treated and loaded into an ambulance.
However, when a CHP officer asked Gregoire to move the truck he refused and returned to helping the crash victims, prompting the officer to handcuff Gregoire and temporarily place him under arrest in front of a TV news camera.
“This is ridiculous. CHP is arresting engineer for where he spotted the fire engine,” states a voice on the Fire Department radio frequency. “We’re in the middle of patient care with patients on the freeway and we’re trying to protect our scene and they’re putting him in handcuffs at this time and walking him away.”
Gregoire was detained in a CHP squad car for half an hour before supervisors from both agencies arrived.
“It’s unbelievable that you guys have to treat us like this. We are on the road trying to help people,” states Gregoire as he is being handcuffed.

The CHP say they are investigating the incident but have refused to name the officer involved or say if he has been reprimanded.
“To detain one of our firefighters in the middle of an incident is ridiculous, and it doesn’t provide the good customer service, the good public service that both of our agencies were there to do,” said Chula Vista Fire Chief Dave Hanneman, adding, “He protected the scene, in this case protected the back of the ambulance where the patients had to go into.”
Representatives from the CHP and Chula Vista Fire Department met yesterday to discuss the incident and released a joint statement saying it would be “a topic of future joint training sessions, in an ongoing effort to work more efficiently together.”
President for Local IAFF 2180 John Hess told CBS 8, “I’m very proud of Jacob. He did a good job. He made all firefighters look good. He was there to protect the citizens and he was willing to take a stand to do that.”
“We are stunned,” said Fire Engineer John Hess, President of the Chula Vista Firefighters Union. “Our Engineer parked his vehicle consistent with our standards and training. We cannot imagine what possible explanation could be given to justify this conduct by the CHP officer. This removed a valuable fire apparatus and crew out of service for approximately one hour. This occurred at the same time another Fire Engine was moved to San Diego to support their fatality structure Fire. We had two districts without service for over an hour.”
This incident again highlights how some police officers think that their duty is not to protect and serve, but to ensure that all their orders, no matter how dangerous, illogical, or inane, are obeyed without question.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What if food ads had to list the side effects like prescription drugs on TV?

(NaturalNews) It is as if we are living in total "idiocracy" - that any human being would even consider any medication advertised on television with all those crazy side effects, like internal bleeding, loss of vision, coma, feelings of suicide and death. It's literally insulting to intelligence, yet millions of Americans still run to their doctors with health problems and take whatever the doctor prescribes, without question, and then wonder what went wrong. If food commercials had to list the side effects, including the short- and long-term adverse health effects of eating the "garbage" that's served up like it's actual food with nutritive value, then maybe people would start waking up and realize that the medicine they take is prescribed to cover up the symptoms of the disorders and diseases that they get from eating "idiotic" junk science food and synthetic, processed, genetically mutated trash.

This is the true story of ordinary people who are taken into a top-secret junk-food-science experiment that goes awry, and awaken to disease and disorder just decades later, in present-day America. They discover that the world has degenerated into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant on all the major networks, on billboards, in magazine ads and all over the place. This dysgenic "pressure" has resulted in a uniformly "tardo" human society devoid of individual responsibility for the food being consumed and the medicine that quells the symptoms of pesticide, insecticide and hormone-laden GM food. A country that lives off of sugar and cheap animal grease has woken up to chronic ailments but can't figure out where it's all coming from.

Idiocracy trailer: (http://www.youtube.com).

Food FX Gone Awry

Example of fast food commercial: Did you get your burger, fries and cola today? Side effects include constipation, irritable bowels, anal leakage, congestive heart failure, Alzheimer's and loss of will to exercise.

Typical corporate cereal commercial: Have you had your GM whole grain flakes today? Side effects include loss of immunity and cell mutation. Daily consumption may lead to nervous system disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Addiction to processed, refined grains and sugars can alter memory and cause diabetes. Ask your doctor if those disorders are right for you.


Typical Big Pharma commercial: Does your skin itch constantly? Do you have numb and dull pains in your body? Do you suffer from migraine headaches that come on all of the sudden? Do you have joint pain or back pain? Is your vision blurred, and do you have insomnia? Ask your doctor about Toxi-food-ikol, the new medication for eating toxic food! You can keep eating anything you want to and "get rid of the symptoms!" Side effects include internal bleeding, loss of muscle control and loss of vision, hearing, taste and smell. Some patients experience periods of coma and forget who their relatives are. Do not mix your medication with any vitamins or minerals. Only drink tap water when taking Toxi-food-ikol. Some people experience loss of bone marrow, hair loss and loss of touch, and others simply can't breathe properly. Do not take Toxi-food-ikol and read at the same time.

There's a cure for idiocracy. Do not ever take Toxi-food-ikol. Do not eat cancer. Do not drink cancer. Don't put cancer on your skin. Most disease and disorder comes from toxic food consumption. If you see a lot of advertisements on television for any given products, chances are that the corporations paying for that air time also support toxic food and toxic medicine. That's where the real profits are, but that's also where the idiots foster negligence and suffer the long-term "side effects." Go 100% organic and get healthy before the GMO vultures find you. (http://www.amazon.com)

Sources for this article include:



http://www.youtube.com (Monsanto's milk banned in Europe)




Monday, February 3, 2014

California Water Officials Cut Delivery as Drought Grows

Officials in drought-stricken California said that for the first time in state history, they won’t be able to provide any water to contractors that supply two-thirds of the population and a million acres of farmland.
The California Department of Water Resources, which earlier predicted it would supply about 5 percent of the amount requested, said today it now projects that it won’t be able to deliver any of the 4 million acre-feet of water sought by local agencies. An acre-foot is the volume needed to cover an acre of land one foot deep with water.
The reduction means that agencies will have to rely on existing supplies such as ground water or what is in storage behind dams. The Los Angeles-based Metropolitan Water District, serving 19 million people in Southern California, and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which supplies much of the Bay Area, have built up water reserves.
“This isn’t a coming crisis,” said Mark Cowin, director of the Water Resources Department, the state’s largest supplier. “This isn’t an evolving crisis. This is a current crisis.”
Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency Jan. 17 in the most populous U.S. state after three years of below-average rainfall, including the driest year on record, left some reservoirs and rivers at critical levels. He asked residents and businesses to voluntarily cut use by 20 percent and warned that mandatory restrictions may follow.

‘Stark Reminder’

“Today’s action is a stark reminder that California’s drought is real,” Brown said today in a statement. “We’re taking every possible step to prepare the state for the continuing dry conditions we face.”
Brown ordered the Forestry and Fire Protection Department, known as CalFire, to hire more firefighters because of drought conditions. The Public Health Department offered assistance to 17 rural communities with what it called “vulnerable” drinking water systems, and the Fish and Wildlife Department restricted fishing in some areas because of low water flows.
A small amount of water must be held back in reservoirs to protect the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, an ecologically sensitive confluence of two rivers that feed into San Francisco Bay. The reserve is needed to keep salt water from seeping in and damaging the water supply, officials said.

Reservoirs, Aqueducts

About two-thirds of Californians get at least part of their water from northern mountain rains and snow through a network of reservoirs and aqueducts known as the State Water Project, according to the Water Resources Department. Besides serving households and businesses, The system irrigates crops in the San Joaquin Valley near the center of the state -- the world’s most productive agricultural region.
“Except for a small amount of carryover water from 2013, customers of the State Water Project will get no deliveries in 2014 if current dry conditions persist and deliveries to agricultural districts with long-standing water rights in the Sacramento Valley may be cut 50 percent -- the maximum permitted by contract -- depending upon future snow survey results,” according to a statement by the Water Resources Department.
The projection could change if more rain falls in coming weeks, officials said. But the drought has grown so severe, it would have to rain heavily every day through May to get water levels back to normal, they said.

Agriculture Threatened

The drought in California, the top U.S. agricultural producer at $44.7 billion, is depriving the state of water needed to produce everything from milk, beef and wine to some of the nation’s largest fruit and vegetable crops, including avocados, strawberries and almonds.
Lost revenue in 2014 from farming and related businesses such as trucking and processing could reach $5 billion, according to estimates by the 300-member California Farm Water Coalition, an industry group.
Today’s announcement in Sacramento came one day after the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California said it would ask customers to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent.
The abnormally low precipitation is likely to depress revenue for the district and other local agencies, Moody’s Investors Service said in a Dec. 5 note. Metropolitan, the largest U.S. supplier of treated water, is rated Aa1, second-highest, the company said.
It had $4.4 billion in long-term debt as of June 30, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
To contact the reporter on this story: Michael B. Marois in Sacramento at mmarois@bloomberg.net